Gone are the days of frantically searching for that elusive pair of jeans and struggling to find a matching accessory.
Today, we embrace the transformative power of an organised wardrobe, where each piece has a designated place, and every item sparks joy in its rightful spot.
From decluttering our living spaces to simplifying our calendars, the quest for organisation has captured our attention, offering a sense of calm and clarity. Nowhere is this pursuit more apparent than in the realm of wardrobe organisation, where the rise of popular shows like Marie Kondo's "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" and "Get Organized with The Home Edit" on Netflix has sparked a global movement towards a meticulously curated closet.
It feels good to look at your wardrobe, or pantry, and feel calm. When the toddler screams at you and throws their food across the room (again) you can just go and look at your organised space, decompress and think…that’s my calm place!
So what are the best wardrobe tips you can implement now?
Our Top Tips for an Organised Wardrobe
1. Only display seasonal clothing
If you don’t have a large wardrobe to display your collection of clothing, you need to optimise your existing space. It's essential to be able to open your wardrobe and see what you have to make the most of it!
Does this sound familiar:
"I love your top, is that new?"
"No… I just found it at the back of my wardrobe!"
2. Complete a Regular Quality Control Check
When it comes time to pack away your seasonal clothe, ask yourself these questions:
- Did you wear it this season?
- If not, why not?
- Can you change the thing you don't like about it? (for example. a dress with a stain on it. Even if you love it - if you won't wear it again, it's time to relocate this item)
What are your options? Have that dress tailored into a top to remove the stain or dye it. If it's more about the style not suiting you, donate it, or use Facebook Marketplace to make a little extra cash!
Don’t hold on to what you don’t need.
3. Organise your hanging space by category and colour
Start from top of the body with Camis, Shirts, Lightweight Knits, Pants. Then organise each category by colour order. For example;
- Camis: in order of light to Dark. White, Yellow, Blue, Navy

4. Fold well to get the most out of your space
This is where it can all go horribly wrong!
If you don’t have enough hanging space we opt for a 'vertical fold'. Inspired by Marie Kondo, it offers the ability to see everything in your collection. There are some great draw clothes dividers that you can pick up online from Shein, Ebay or Ali Express if you need the extra help and these won’t break the budget.
5. Pay Special Attention to Knitwear!
How could we not talk about knitwear?
If you want to keep your beautiful chunky knits looking their best don’t hang them!
Knitwear needs to be folded.
An ideal spot for knitwear is above a hanging space. It's a great idea to keep a step stool handy so when you pop them back you can make sure nothing has fallen. Pop some moth balls on the shelf, as you don’t want to be heart broken and find your favorite knits have been munched!
Fine gauge light weight styles are ok to hang in your wardrobe.
This season, styles like Molly, Emma and Jack Roll neck, are all perfect for hanging.

6. Don't Forget About Shoes!
Those ones in the hall, garage, and your bedroom, yes they are all yours! Take the time to organise, clean and make sure they are all needed!