Inspiring Women: Imogen from Al + Imo


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It's now June - this year is just running away from us! So, it's time for the next in Maxted's series of Inspiring Women. For this feature we're hero-worshipping beautiful Imogen from Al + Imo.

Al + Imo  are a husband and wife duo who design and custom make stunning timber furniture on the Surf Coast and during lockdown the two started sharing DIY projects as a way to stay connected to their community. 


Imogen and Al have created a lot of amazing things together but their biggest achievement to date is the arrival of their beautiful daughter Marigold, “Goldie”.

They began their business, producing incredible custom designs after they were unable to find a bed they loved. They decided to design and build their own and realised the potential in creating well-made, beautiful, locally-sourced timber furniture. They packed up their Melbourne home and moved out to the Surf Coast where they'd have enough space to build their dream business.

Their goal is to "build beautiful furniture by the sea everyday and surround themselves with good design and good people."

Imo inspires us as a working mum. While Al is the braun behind the business and builds the product, Imogen’s strengths lie design, photography and marketing. She is so strong, focussed and supportive of other female entrepreneurs. So, she is ideal to be included in Maxted's Inspiring Women series.

Maxted: Who inspires you?

Imo: I'm inspired by good design and good people - which I try to surround myself with always! But if I had to pick one person as my biggest inspiration it would have to be my husband Al. Any idea I come up with, together we can work out a way to make it a reality. We have a great partnership in business, love and life.

Maxted: How are you feeling about being a working Mummy?

Imo: I'm feeling really good about being a working mummy, I hope that I can be an example to my daughter and show her that you can do anything you want to in life with a little hard work and persistence. 

Maxted: Any particular products you would recommend to working Mums? Or Just Mums in general?

Imo: A baby monitor that fits into your back pocket! 

Maxted: What's next for Al and Imo? 

We have some really amazing custom furniture orders coming up that we designed late last year which we're excited to see come to life. We've also just completed Nursery furniture for our daughter which we're hoping to start producing AND we're building our first home which will be a huge project!


Imo is wearing the Sage Pullover in Furnace

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Imo's Instagram